Study Tips

 Study Tips




Vocabulary (3-5 words)

1.chronobiology -

   n   the branch of biology concerned with the periodicity occurring in living organisms  
   See also     →   biological clock     →   circadian  
♦   chronobiologist      n  

2. enthusiastic -

1    a person filled with or motivated by enthusiasm; fanatic  

2    Archaic   a religious visionary, esp. one whose zeal for religion is extravagant or unbalanced  
♦    enthusiastic             adj  
♦   enthusiastically      adv  

3.glance -




1    intr   to look hastily or briefly  
2    intr; foll by: over, through, etc.   to look over briefly  
to glance through a report     
3    intr   to reflect, glint, or gleam  
the sun glanced on the water     
4    intr; usually foll by: off   to depart (from an object struck) at an oblique angle  
the arrow glanced off the tree     
5    tr   to strike at an oblique angle  
the arrow glanced the tree     
6    a hasty or brief look; peep  
7   ♦ at a glance   from one's first look; immediately  
8    a flash or glint of light; gleam  
9    the act or an instance of an object glancing or glancing off another  
10    a brief allusion or reference  

11      (Cricket)   a stroke in which the ball is deflected off the bat to the leg side; glide  
     (C15: modification of glacen to strike obliquely, from Old French glacier to slide (see glacis); compare Middle English glenten to make a rapid sideways movement, glint)  
♦   glancingly      adv

4. verbally -



1    of, relating to, or using words, esp. as opposed to ideas, etc.  
merely verbal concessions     
2    oral rather than written  
a verbal agreement     
3    verbatim; literal  
an almost verbal copy     
4      (Grammar)   of or relating to verbs or a verb  
5      (Grammar)      another word for     →   verbid  
6    pl  
Slang   a criminal's admission of guilt on arrest  
      vb   , -bals, -balling, -balled   tr  
7    Slang   (of the police) to implicate (someone) in a crime by quoting alleged admission of guilt in court  
♦    verbally             adv  

5.acquisition -  

 1   the act of acquiring or gaining possession 

 2    something acquired   

 3    a person or thing of special merit added to a group 

 4      (Astronautics)

    a    the re-establishment of communications between a spacecraft and a ground control                                        station after a temporary blackout

    b    the process of locating a spacecraft, satellite, etc., esp. by radar, in order to gather                                         tracking and telemetric information  


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