1. https://eduadvisor.my/engineering/ 2. https://icaew.ca-sea.asia/?gclid=CjwKCAjwx6WDBhBQEiwA_dP8rX_GtbHPpQb7nIEbEU0bKh2HFNl52GvUXlL9MguPOLRMCjREAM2WCxoCsDcQAvD_BwE 3. https://my.sunwayu.edu.my/nursing/?gclid=CjwKCAjwx6WDBhBQEiwA_dP8rRha2Z7IQYgm5ZzsV-Z5jdI-CMZIjXwvFChHPklSZuwjO4fIoeKuTxoCnZ0QAvD_BwE Vocabulary 1.Embarked verb past tense: embarked ; past participle: embarked 1 . go on board a ship or aircraft. "he embarked for India in 1817" 2 . begin (a course of action). "she embarked on a new career"
Technology have damaged our world in two main ways , pollution and the depletion of natural resources. In your opinion, has technology caused pollution ? how will technology be used to improve film industry in Malaysia ?👇
Smartphones, perhaps?
ReplyDeleteYou are a clever child
Deletetransport (MRT,ERT and LRT)
ReplyDeletecommunication and entertainment (smartphone, smart tv, ipad)
DeleteI use drones for my photography classes.